DN Legal has donated US 1,000 to the Vietnam Young Physicians Association (VYPA) for 110 protective suits for front line healthcare workers in their fight against Covid-19.

This activity is within in the framework of VYPA’s programme called “Joining hands to the fight against Covid-19 – For a healthy Vietnam”, which VYPA has been implementing nationwide until Vietnam declares the end of the epidemic to mobilise support for hospitals, medical centres and front line healthcare workers.

VYPA is the largest medical professional organisation in Vietnam with over 80,000 physicians under 45 years old: https://www.facebook.com/thaythuoctrevietnam/

It is recognised by the WHO and Juniors Doctor Network (https://www.wma.net/junior-doctors/about-us/).

If you would like to contribute:

8g00 – 17g00 ngày trong tuần: 024.6263.1976
24/7 : 0346.202.589
Email: info@hoithaythuoctre.org.vn

Here is an article about their Covid-19 activities: https://suckhoedoisong.vn/hoi-thay-thuoc-tre-vn-tang-do-bao-ho-cho-y-bac-si-tuyen-dau-chong-dich-n170778.html

If we can do something to keep even one health care worker safe during this time, why wouldn’t we?